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Shoulder Impingement and Workers’ Compensation

Shoulder impingement is a condition where the top of the bone on your shoulder rubs the bursa and tendon in the joint.

Shoulder Impingement Lawyer

One of the most common causes of shoulder pain comes from impingement. Shoulder impingement is a condition where the top of the bone on your shoulder rubs the bursa and tendon in the joint. This is not typically from a work-related accident but rather a repetitive injury that builds up over time.

If you have developed this condition due to your occupation, you can recover workers’ compensation benefits for treating the pain and therapy to reverse the condition. If this requires you to miss days of work, you should also be able to recover some of your wages. At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, we will help you understand exactly the type of workers’  compensation benefits you are entitled to.

Which Missouri Workers Are Susceptible to Shoulder Impingement?

Shoulder impingement occurs from the constant lifting of heavy boxes or materials or from performing activities over one’s head for long lengths of time. Construction workers, factory workers, and painters are at greater risk of developing the injury. Any occupation where one repeatedly puts added strain on the shoulder joint could cause this painful condition.

How is Shoulder Impingement Diagnosed?

Diagnosing shoulder impingement involves a series of steps and tests to assess the extent of the injury and confirm the condition. Here’s how the diagnosis process typically unfolds:

Symptom Identification:

  • Swelling and Tenderness: These are commonly felt at the front of the shoulder.
  • Pain and Stiffness: This is especially noticeable when lifting or lowering the arm back down.

Initial Medical Examination:

  • Physical Inspection: A doctor will first examine the shoulder for visible signs of injury.
  • Range-of-Motion Tests: You will be asked to move your arm in various ways to check for pain, stiffness, and the extent of movement.

Strength Testing:

  • Muscle Function: The doctor will conduct tests to evaluate the strength of the shoulder muscles.

Advanced Diagnostic Tests:

  • MRI Scan: If the physical exam and your symptoms suggest shoulder impingement, an MRI may be ordered to get a detailed view of the shoulder’s internal structures and confirm the diagnosis.

Consideration of Work-Related Factors:

  • Suppose your job involves lifting heavy materials or extending your arms overhead for prolonged periods. These factors will be considered in diagnosing whether your shoulder pain relates to work activities.

Following these diagnostic steps, your doctor can determine whether you suffer from shoulder impingement, enabling appropriate and timely treatment.

What Should You Do if Diagnosed With Shoulder Impingement?

If you did not file a work injury report with your supervisor before the diagnosis, you must do so immediately following your doctor’s visit. Don’t be surprised if you are sent to a different doctor who works within your company’s workers’ compensation insurance network.

Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, you should be able to receive all necessary treatment with no out of pocket cost to you. If you disagree with the referred physician’s opinion or treatment plan, you have the right to appeal those decisions. This would be a good time to contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann to determine your next step.

Treatment for Shoulder Impingement

When treating shoulder impingement, there are several steps and treatment options involved, often beginning with conservative methods and progressing if necessary:

Initial Treatments:

  • Medications: Doctors usually prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
  • Work Restrictions: To avoid aggravating the condition, you may be placed on light or restricted duties at work. If no suitable work adjustments are available, you may need to stay home and be eligible for loss of wage benefits.

Further Treatment Options:

  • Physical Therapy: Aimed at strengthening the shoulder and improving the range of motion to alleviate impingement.
  • Steroid Injections: If physical therapy isn’t sufficient, these may reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Advanced Interventions:

  • Surgery: If other treatments fail to relieve symptoms, surgical intervention might be necessary to correct the impingement.


  • Keep your employer updated about your treatment progress and any changes in your health status or treatment plan.

These steps are designed to manage pain, restore function, and ultimately resolve shoulder impingement while allowing you to maintain communication with your employer about your ability to work and the need for modifications or time off.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Shoulder Impingement

Certain occupations and work-related activities can be directly traced to the development of shoulder impingement. If you fit that description, then your employer should be responsible for the cost of your treatments, medications, and loss of wages. If questions arise or they prematurely stop your benefits before the treatment is completed, contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300. We have handled dozens of work comp cases involving shoulder impingement. Contact us to ensure that you are being fairly compensated for this or any other work-related injury.

Work-Related Injuries

Work-Related Injuries