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Does Daylight Savings Increase the Chance of Workplace Injuries?


Here’s how losing an hour of sleep during daylight saving time can increase workplace accidents and tips for staying alert, preventing fatigue, and staying safe.

tired missouri worker

Soon, the birds will be chirping, the flowers will be blooming, and the days will be getting longer. For many, spring is a time of new beginnings and renewed energy. But for others, it’s a time of stress and anxiety. The often dreaded time change is just around the corner, and that means one thing: an hour less of sleep.

While the loss of an hour of sleep may not seem like a big deal, it can significantly impact our health and well-being. Studies have shown that daylight saving time increases the risk of workplace accidents and injuries and reduces productivity levels. The change in sleep patterns can also increase stress levels and anxiety. This article will explore the link between daylight saving time and workplace accidents and offer tips on staying safe during the time change.

Daylight Saving Increases vs. Workplace Injury 

As previously mentioned, daylight saving increases the chances of workplace injury for the following reasons. To begin with, daylight saving often results in employees working longer hours since there is more evening daylight. This can lead to fatigue, which can, in turn, increase the likelihood of mistakes.

Secondly, daylight saving can disrupt people’s natural sleep patterns, making it harder for them to concentrate during the day. Again, this can lead to errors being made at work.

Finally, daylight saving can cause problems for shift workers, as their shifts may no longer align with the natural light cycle. This can make them feel disoriented and confused, leading to accidents. 

How to Stay Safe During the Time Change

Despite the increased risk of workplace accidents and injuries that daylight saving poses, there are a few simple steps that you can take to stay safe during daylight saving time. Here are some of them:

  • Get plenty of rest the night before the time change. A good night’s sleep will help your body adjust to the new schedule more quickly.
  • Start your day with some exercise. Increasing your heart rate can help you feel more alert and awake during the day. You should discuss this with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
  • Take breaks often and eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. This will help keep your energy levels up and prevent you from getting too sleepy.
  • Avoid working late at night if possible. If you must work late, take extra care and pay close attention to your surroundings.
  • Pay attention to your co-workers and look for signs of fatigue or distraction. If someone looks like they’re struggling, it may be best to offer help or relieve them from their duties for a while if possible.
  • Speak up if you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed. It’s better to ask for help than try to push through when you’re not feeling up to it.
  • Take a break from electronics before bedtime, and give yourself time to wind down before trying to sleep. This will help ensure you get a good night’s sleep and are well-rested for the next day.
  • Plan ahead! If possible, try to finish up projects and tasks before the time change so that you’re not rushed or working on a tight deadline.

St. Louis Work Injury Lawyers

Have you been hurt on the job? The Law Office of James. M. Hoffman can help you pursue a workers’ comp claim and get the benefits you deserve. Our St. Louis workers comp attorneys have been protecting the rights of injured Missouri workers for over 30 years and can evaluate your case for free.

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