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5 Reasons Why Your Workers’ Comp Benefits Might Stop


Most workers believe that once they begin receiving workers comp benefits they are secure. Unfortunately, this is not always true.

When workers suffer an injury on the job, they often receive workers’ compensation benefits as a result. Unfortunately, their payments are sometimes not permanent. Instead, those benefits could fall or stop altogether. Here are 5 reasons why this might occur.

Private Investigator

If an insurance company suspects that your injuries are less severe than you claim, they may hire a private investigator to keep an eye on you. What this person might do is go through your social media posts, interview you, or follow you around for a few days. The goal of doing so is to verify the legitimacy of your claims. If you act in a way that indicates you are embellishing your injury, the investigator could catch you and change the nature of your benefits.

Declining Light Duty Work

After an employee sustains an injury, the company may offer them light duty work. This term refers to job functions that are less physically demanding than the worker’s former job. The most common examples of this practice are moving workers into an office role or lessening their hours. If an employer offers this option to you, it is almost always in your best interest to take it. If you do not, your benefits may be at risk.

Additional Medical Exam

After you sustain an injury, a company doctor will examine you and give their opinion on the extent of your damages. You and your lawyer use that assessment to estimate the sum of benefits you want to pursue. Unfortunately, insurance companies occasionally want a second opinion. If the additional medical exam has a different result, your payments could stop.

Functional Capacity Exam

One thing you might do after a workplace injury is a functional capacity exam (FCE). This test will give your employer an idea of how much damage you have sustained. If you cannot carry out day to day tasks, you will likely receive benefits. On the other hand, a company can order an FCE later on in the process. If you perform too well on the test, your compensation may fall or stop entirely due to your high level of health.

Improper Medical Treatment

Workers’ compensation is a two-way street. That means that while your employer must take care of you, you also have to take care of yourself. If your doctor recommends a treatment plan, you must adhere to it. Two typical traps workers fall into are not taking their medication or skipping physical therapy appointments. If you act in either of these ways, it indicates a lack of commitment to getting better.

Most workers believe that once they are safe they will secure their benefits. Unfortunately, this is not true. Instead, there are a variety of reasons why their payments might stop entirely. If you are ever in danger of suffering this situation, you should get the protection you need by talking to a St. Louis workers compensation lawyer.

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