New technology is being developed to measure hand activity patterns and help assess injury risk.

Over the past few years, automation technology has come a long way, and made everything much more easier, efficient and safe. Most industries use technology extensively, however, some manufacturing plants in the US still depend on human labor to produce and package their products. It is needless to mention that this work is physically demanding and repetitive in nature. This can cause injuries to specific areas of the body.
Considering the increased number hand and wrist injuries caused by repetitive work, new technology is being developed by the University of Wisconsin with funding from CDC. This will help measure hand activity patterns and, in turn, help assess injury risks for each job. This app will enable industries to redesign jobs and develop safety protocols to reduce the risk of injuries among workers.
Common repetitive stress injuries in the workplace
Repetitive stress injuries are not like other types of injuries, because they are not a result of a single event such as a work related slip or fall or machinery malfunctioning accident. In fact, these injuries develop over a period of time, because the tasks of the job put constant and repeated stress in the particular parts of the worker’s body. Some common hand and wrist injuries suffered by workers in manufacturing settings are:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome: It is characterized by numbness and tingling of the arm and hand caused by the swelling of the ligament and bone in the wrist, which puts pressures on the nerves.
- Tenosynovitis: This develops when the boundary of a tendon its surrounding tissues get inflamed. It causes pain in the area.
- Tendinitis: It refers to the tearing of the small tissues that connect bones to the muscles
- Cervical radiculopathy: It is a condition caused by the compression of the discs in the neck, which often results from pressure on the neck.
Can smartphone technology help reduce injuries in the workplace?
New technology that is being developed by the University of Wisconsin can recognize and interpret the arm and hand movements of workers. It can recognize which specific patters correlate with specific injuries. The amazing thing about this technology is that it will be available as a smartphone app, so it can be used anywhere, anytime. The app will provide an objective analysis of the data gathered, and help develop proper safety protocols.
Have you suffered a hand or wrist injury at work?
If you have suffered a hand or wrist injury at work, you can make a claim for workers compensation benefits. An experienced workers compensation attorney at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann can help ensure your rights are protected. Give us a call 24/7 at (314) 361-4300 for a FREE case evaluation.