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Common Mistakes to Avoid During a Deposition


At The Law Office of James. M. Hoffman, we understand that navigating the workers’ compensation claims process can be confusing and stressful, especially when faced with a deposition hearing.


We have gathered a list of common mistakes to avoid making during a deposition:

  1. Lying
    Lying during a deposition hearing is a big no-no. If caught, it can result in severe consequences. Not only will it damage your credibility, but it can also lead to legal repercussions. If you’re unsure about the answer to a question, it’s always better to say “I don’t know” or “I don’t recall” rather than make something up. Remember, depositions are under oath, so always being truthful is crucial.
  2. Guessing
    Just like lying, guessing during a deposition hearing is also not recommended. Don’t try to guess if you’re unsure about the answer to a question. Doing so can lead to conflicting answers, which can harm your credibility and your case. It’s better to admit that you’re unsure than to guess and give the wrong information.
  3. Showing Up Unprepared
    Showing up unprepared for a deposition hearing is another mistake you want to avoid. You should always do your homework and familiarize yourself with the details of your case. This includes reading your statements, medical records, and other relevant documents. By being prepared, you can feel more confident during the deposition and answer questions accurately.
  4. Talking Too Much
    During a deposition hearing, it’s essential to answer questions succinctly and only to the extent necessary. Talking too much can lead to saying things that can harm your case, so it’s crucial to stay focused and only answer the questions being asked.
  5. Not Having a Clear Understanding of Your Rights
    It’s essential to understand your rights during a deposition hearing clearly. This includes knowing when to object to a question, when to take a break, and when to consult with your attorney. Understanding your rights will help you feel more in control during the deposition and ensure that the process runs smoothly.
  6. Not Seeking Legal Representation
    Finally, one of the injured workers’ most significant mistakes is not seeking legal representation. Hiring a qualified workers’ compensation attorney can significantly improve your chances of a successful outcome. An experienced attorney can help you prepare for the deposition and guide you. They can also provide insight into the questions you may face and help you avoid common mistakes.
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