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Five Most Deadly Workplace Injuries


Every year, thousands of people get injured at work. Some occupations are by nature more hazardous than others.

Some are even rendered completely disabled, and they are never again able to get back to work. Injuries at work can be a result of a sudden accident or they can occur over time.

Hazardous Occupations That Are Prone to Workplace Injuries

Missouri workers compensation attorneys believe that there could be many causes of workplace injuries and that some occupations are by nature more hazardous than others. Construction sites, manufacturing units, hospitals, coal mines, and some other workplaces are more prone to workplace accidents.

Five Deadly Hazards in the Workplace

There are five common hazards that are responsible for workplace injuries. These hazards can be present in any workplace, but some workplaces may be more prone than others.

Falls: Falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. People working in the manufacturing and construction sectors may be more prone to fall injuries. These injuries can leave a person partially or totally disabled.

Fires and explosions: Workers involved in storage or handling of inflammable gases or materials are more likely to get injured in fires and explosions. Electrical malfunctioning could also be a cause of fire or explosion that results in injuries.

Electrical hazards: Several injuries and deaths are reported in the manufacturing and construction sectors that are caused by electrocution. Electrocution can occur because of faulty equipment, damaged wiring, faulty installation, or some other defects.

Toxic exposure: Exposure to fumes and chemicals at the workplace may cause injuries and occupational diseases. Even slight exposure to certain chemicals is enough to cause injuries.

Repetitive stress: Prolonged and repetitive use of certain body parts may cause injuries known as repetitive stress injuries. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common injury caused by repetitive stress.

When An Employee is Injured

Even though most employers take safety measures to ensure their worker’s safety, workplace injuries are quite common. Anyone who gets injured at the workplace should report the injury immediately to a supervisor or the employer. The employer would then designate a doctor for the treatment of the injured worker and all medical bills would be paid by the employer.

Irrespective of the type, seriousness, or cause of your injury, you may be entitled to benefits under workers compensation. Under the workers compensation system, your employer or the insurance company is liable to pay medical and wage loss benefits to you if you become injured or ill as a result of the work you perform or because of  conditions that exist at the workplace.

However, in some cases, the insurance company may try to deny or minimize the payout, quoting reasons that are beyond the worker’s comprehension. Call The Law Office James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300. We can help you receive all the benefits that you deserve.

Updated: August 18, 2017
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