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Preventing Workplace Injuries: Slips, Trips & Falls


It important to remember that workplace safety needs to be everyone’s concern. Employees can improve their own safety by taking their time and paying attention to their surroundings.

There is a large percentage of workers that are injured annually due to fall accidents.  They make up a significant portion of workers compensation commissions. It is important to understand how fall accidents happen, identify the trouble areas and try to minimize the threat of falling.

Statistics show that a large percentage of falls occur on the same level, where the remaining amount are from a height. Slips happen when there is not enough traction between a workers footwear and the surface they are walking on. This can occur if the floor is wet or oily or when the flooring does not have the same amount of traction in all areas.

Trips occur when a person’s foot strikes an object causing them to lose balance. If there is poor lighting, uneven walking surfaces or wrinkled carpet, these accidents can occur.

Many of these accidents can be avoided if the proper precautions are taken. These include:

– cleaning spills immediately
– making sure light bulbs are changed regularly
– securing rugs or carpets so they don’t wrinkle
– keeping walkways clear of tools or other obstacles

It is important for employees to wear proper footwear at all times. OSHA gives a complete list of appropriate types of footwear for safety.

Finally it important to remember that workplace safety needs to be everyone’s concern. Employees can improve their own safety by taking their time and paying attention to their surroundings.

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If you have been injured on the job due to unsafe work conditions, contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann by calling (314) 606-5870 today! The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann will evaluate your case thoroughly, explore all potential sources of recovery and preserve your rights under the law.

Find out about other types of work related injuries.


photo credit: granth

Updated: May 16, 2024
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