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How to Claim Workers’ Compensation for a Broken Hip in St. Louis

broken hip x-ray

A broken hip is a severe injury, and you deserve adequate compensation for your suffering and lost wages. Speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer 24/7 at (314) 361-4300. A serious workplace injury, like a broken hip, can significantly disrupt your life. Not only can it cause immense pain, but it might also lead to extensive … Read more

Updated: June 15, 2023

St. Louis Work Comp: Your Safety Net After a Work Injury

Work Comp Attorney St. Louis

After a work injury, you need your workers’ comp to kick in and cover your costs for doctor’s visits, medication, physical therapy, and lost wages. But this can be challenging. Imagine it’s another day at work—the usual humdrum of activities, the familiar routine. Then, in a split second, everything changes. An unexpected accident, a work-related … Read more

Updated: May 27, 2023

What to Do After a Work-Related Back Injury

Missouri worker with on-the-job back injury

Work-related back injuries can be debilitating. Learn the crucial steps to take, including why consulting with a workers’ comp lawyer is essential. Back injuries are among the most common types of workplace injuries, affecting workers in various industries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 200,000 back injuries were reported in the United States … Read more

Updated: May 11, 2023

Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself From Blue Light at Work

Work Comp Attorney St. Louis

Contact the Law Office of James. M. Hoffman for legal help when filing your workers’ comp insurance. Compensation for work-related conditions is your legal right. According to some estimates, around 80.5% of people in specialty occupations and managerial roles use computers. A further 70.5% of individuals in administrative, sales, and technical positions do the same. … Read more

Updated: February 6, 2024

Top 4 Summer Hazards for St. Louis Construction Workers

missouri worker heat exhaustion

Construction workers face summer hazards such as heat stroke, dehydration, sun exposure, and excessive fatigue. Here’s how to stay safe. Construction workers are among the most at-risk for work-related injuries and illnesses. Summer is an especially trying time for construction workers. The intense heat poses a serious threat to the safety of these workers. And … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

6 Things Employers Can Do to Prevent Occupational Hearing Loss

manufacturing worker with hearing protection

Prevent hearing loss in the workplace by implementing a hearing conservation program, reducing noise, scheduling breaks, providing PPE, and openly discussing noise safety. Occupational hearing loss, as the name implies, is damage to the inner ear from noise or vibrations that lead to partial or complete loss of hearing. Exposure to loud noise in the … Read more

Updated: April 24, 2023