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Workers’ Compensation for Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)


Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) is a type of injury that occurs when repetitive motions or exposure to vibrations or force over time cause damage to the body.

missouri worker with wrist pain

What Exactly is Cumulative Trauma Disorder?

Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD), commonly referred to as repetitive stress injury (RSI), repetitive motion injury (RMI), or repetitive motion disorder (RMD), is a type of injury that occurs when repetitive motions or exposure to vibrations or force over time cause damage to the body.

How Does Cumulative Trauma Disorder Develop?

CTD typically develops over time as a result of repeated exposure to a particular type of motion or force. For example, if you work on a computer all day, your wrists and hands may constantly be in the same position, which can lead to CTD.

Other common jobs that may lead to CTD include assembly line work, typing, data entry, construction work, factory work, and any job that involves repetitive motions. In addition to jobs that involve repetitive motions, exposure to vibrations from power tools or other machinery can also lead to CTD.

What Are the Symptoms of CTD?

The symptoms of CTD vary depending on the part of the body that is affected but may include pain, swelling, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. The symptoms of CTD may come and go at first but will typically become more constant as the condition progresses.

What can you do if you think you have CTD?

If you think you may be suffering from CTD, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing the condition from getting worse. Your doctor will likely ask about your symptoms and medical history and may also perform a physical examination. In some cases, additional tests such as x-rays, MRIs, or CT scans may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.

Once CTD has been diagnosed, treatment typically focuses on relieving pain and inflammation and preventing further damage. Treatment options may include rest, ice, heat, physical therapy, medications and/or surgery. In some cases, a change in job duties or work hours may be necessary to prevent further damage.

Can You Be Compensated For CTD?

Like other injuries that occur at work, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation if you develop CTD as a result of your job. This state-mandated insurance program should generally provide you with benefits to cover your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages.

However, obtaining workers’ compensation for CTD can be complex and challenging. And it’s in your best interest to work closely with an attorney who knows how to navigate the system and get you the benefits you deserve.

At the Law Office of James M. Hoffman, we have over 30 years of experience handling workers’ compensation claims, including those related to Cumulative Trauma Disorder. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can protect your legal rights after a workplace injury.

Updated: April 4, 2024
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