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5 Common Reasons Nail Gun Accidents Happen at Work


Nail guns help save time and improve the craftsmanship of many construction workers. However, if they are not handled safely, they can cause severe injuries.

Nail guns are one of the commonly used tools in the construction industry. They save time and improve craftsmanship. However, if not handled safely, nail guns pose catastrophic risks. In fact, 37,000 workers are injured in nail gun accidents every year in the United States. When they happen, these accidents are messy, and their effects can be life-altering. Let’s discuss how these accidents often occur and what you can do to prevent them.

missouri construction worker using a nail gun

1. Double Fire

A nail gun with a contact trigger can make an unexpected double fire when positioning it on the lumber. The second unintended nail may hit and injure you before you release the trigger. This is common if you’re a new worker and not properly trained on avoiding double fires.

Chances of injuries may be even higher if you are working in a small space. Working in a tight space doesn’t give enough room for the gun to recoil. Even worse, it could lead to head or face injuries as you may be holding the gun close to your face during the recoil.

2. Unintended Firing When the Safety Contact Is Mistakenly Knocked

A nail gun with a contact trigger fires a nail when the trigger and safety contact is actuated in any given sequence. Therefore, if you carry the nail gun with your finger on the trigger, you could injure yourself or another worker when the safety contact is squeezed by mistake.

3. Penetration of the Nail Through Timber

This happens when you hold the wood in place with one hand and hold the gun with the other. A nail may penetrate through the wood and land straight on the leg or hand.

4. Using the Nailer in an Awkward Position

It’s easy to injure yourself when nailing in an odd nailing position. Some dangerous nailing positions include nailing above your shoulder, nailing in tight spaces, or nailing with your body in the nail’s way. These positions make it extremely hard to control the gun and its recoil.

5. Missing the Intended Target

Keeping the safety contact in the proper position may be tricky if you are nailing the edge of lumber. The nail may miss its intended target and hit your hand or leg. It could also hit another employee working nearby.

Seeking Compensation

Have you been injured in a work-related nail gun injury in St Louis? You are likely entitled to Missouri workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can help offset your medical bills and lost wages.

At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, our St. Louis workers’ compensation attorneys have been standing up for the rights of injured Missouri workers for over 25 years. If you have been injured on the job, we can evaluate your claim for free and help you determine the true value of your injury claim. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Give us a call today for a free consultation.

Updated: October 18, 2021
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