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4 Common Reasons Some Injured Workers Don’t Speak With a Workers Comp Attorney


Let’s discuss four common reasons some injured workers don’t speak with a workers’ compensation attorney and why failing to do so can hurt your chances of fair compensation.

st. louis woman with injury signing a work injury form

The workers’ comp claim process can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s why we recommend you speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney before pursuing your claim. Unfortunately, some injury victims choose to go it alone and, if you ask them why they’ll likely offer a lame reason or another.  

Let’s discuss four common reasons some injured workers don’t speak with a workers’ compensation attorney and why failing to do so can hurt your chances of fair compensation.

1. “I Can File the Claim Myself”

Although you may file a claim on your own, Missouri State Workers Compensation Laws are strict on how and when you should file your claim. If you miss out on a deadline or make an error while filing the claim, it could end up costing you.

An experienced attorney can handle the delicate task of filling your claim and provide you will the guidance you need to avoid making any mistakes. This will give you time to focus on your recovery.

2. Believing Workers Compensation Attorneys Are Expensive

Many injured workers avoid speaking with a workers’ compensation attorney because they believe it will be expensive. However, at The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, we work on a contingency fee, meaning we only get paid an agreed-upon percentage of the compensation paid out by the insurance company. We only get paid if and when we recover compensation for you.

3. “I Can Negotiate Settlement Myself”

You can indeed negotiate your settlement yourself. However, it is generally not recommended. How do you know that you’re getting a fair amount? How do you know your injury might not lead to further complications later on? How do you back up your claim? Insurance companies and employers are known to employ underhanded tactics to frustrate you into settling for less than you deserve. An experienced attorney will understand the true value of your claim and make sure you do not end up settling for less than you deserve.

4. “The Law Is Clear on What I’m Supposed to Get”

Laws need to be flexible enough to handle a variety of cases under various circumstances. So, although the Missouri Worker Compensation law states you’ll receive compensation for work-related injuries, the amount and payment duration are generally handled on a case-to-case basis.

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help ensure the insurance company doesn’t lowball you and that you receive your rightful compensation as soon as possible. Your attorney can also help you collect all the evidence needed to convince the insurance company, jury, or court, your claim has merit. 

Are you eligible for workers’ compensation but worried you might end up with less than you deserve? At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann our St. Louis workers’ compensation attorneys have a strong history of handling injured workers’ cases, ensuring they get both medical care and financial compensation they need. Give us a call today for a FREE case evaluation.

Updated: October 18, 2021
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