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Is My Injury Covered by Workers’ Compensation?


Generally, workers’ compensation covers all injuries sustained during the course and scope of employment.


However, some situations such as those mentioned below can be quite tricky. St. Louis worker comp attorney have offered advice for injured workers.

Company Events

Quite often, the employer organizes events outside of the workplace such as picnics, parties, and outdoor meetings. If an employee is injured while attending one such event, they will most likely be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits. For example, if the employee is injured while traveling on the company bus to a picnic, they may be eligible for workers’ compensation.

Lunch Breaks

If an employee has gone out for lunch with their colleagues, or has gone to pick up their lunch from a deli and is injured in the process, they may not be eligible for workers’ compensation. However, if they have gone to pick up lunch for their boss, or they suffered an injury while in the company cafeteria, they may be eligible for workers’ compensation.


Injuries occurring as a result of misconduct are usually covered under workers compensation. There are of course some exceptions to the rule, for example, it may depend on the level of misconduct. Self-inflicted injuries are usually not covered under workers’ compensation.


Injuries sustained while traveling to your workplace from home are not covered by workers’ compensation. However, if you have suffered injuries while traveling for work, for example, while traveling to meet a client, your injuries will be covered by workers’ compensation.

Pre-Existing Conditions

If an employee has a pre-existing condition that becomes aggravated due to the nature of the job and causes illness or injury, it may be covered by workers’ compensation.

Disease and Illness

Occupational diseases are covered by workers’ compensation. Diseases such as asbestos exposure and black lung disease are eligible for workers’ compensation.

Mental Conditions

If an employee develops a mental condition as a result of their work, they may be entitled for workers’ compensation. Work-related depression or mental trauma are usually covered by workers compensation.

If you have any doubt as to whether or not your injury qualifies for workers compensation, or if the employer or insurance company has rejected your case even though you think you have grounds for workers compensation, contact The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300. We will investigate all aspects of your injury, and if it does qualify for workers’ compensation, we will help you receive your rightful claim.

Photo credit: Eugene Peretz via Flickr

Updated: March 27, 2024
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