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Successfully File Your Missouri Work Comp Claim


Most injured workers want to get better, settle their case, return to work, and move on with their life.

We understand that dealing with insurance companies can be tough. However, it is important not to settle your case too early. On the other hand, it is important not to procrastinate completing required paperwork. Here are some tips to successfully file your Missouri work comp claim.

Maintain a Journal

Maintain a journal describing how you injured yourself, who witnessed the accident, and who and when you reported the injury. Take note of the conversation with the doctor and the doctor’s recommendations. This outline can help assist your memory, especially if you have a long-term injury or if you have to go to trial.

Communicate Clearly with Your Lawyer

If your doctor has advised you to take time off work, then give your work comp lawyer a copy of the doctor’s instructions. Talk to the lawyer about any questions you might have. Keep communication with your lawyer clear and regular.

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

It is important to carefully follow all of your doctor’s instructions. Follow through with physical therapy and medical restrictions, for example, not lifting any weight higher than 30 pounds. If you choose to disobey your doctor, you are giving the insurance company a chance to deny your work comp benefits.

Follow Your Lawyer’s Advice

There has been a trend for clients to discuss their cases on social media. Listen to the advice of your lawyer when he or she advises against this. Remember, your lawyer has your best interests in mind and the biggest mistake you can make is not to listen to him or her.

For most injured workers, the ultimate goal is to get back to work and return to normal life. Talk to a St. Louis work comp lawyer to learn how to successfully file a workers’ compensation claim for a work-related injury. Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300.

Updated: March 2, 2017
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