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Can I Get Workers Compensation If I Am Injured at a Company Event?

work injury at company event

Though these events are designed to help bring workers together, socialize and unwind, in some cases, the event may lead to an injury. Workers’ compensation benefits may not apply to all injuries or illnesses a worker gets. The laws explicitly say that the health conditions must directly arise from the worker’s job, whether it’s the … Read more

Updated: June 29, 2020

Can You Get Benefits if Your Employer Misled You About Work Comp Coverage?

Workmens Comp St. Louis

If an employer does not comply with work comp laws, then they are opening themselves up to being sued by their employee. Employers in the state of Missouri that are in construction or have more than five workers, are required to carry a type of insurance called workers’ compensation insurance. It is meant to ensure … Read more

Updated: May 31, 2018

Should I File a St. Louis Workers Comp or Personal Injury Claim?

Personal Injury Lawyer in St Louis

The main difference between having a workers comp or personal injury claim is proving fault. When you are injured either at work there are times when you can make a claim for workers’ compensation and others when it might be a personal injury case. The major difference between the two is the determination of who … Read more

What to Do if You’re a Nanny and Are Injured On the Job

Nanny Work Comp Benefits

Even if you’re not eligible through the work comp system, there might be other ways to get your injuries paid for. In Missouri, a company or business is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation is coverage that is meant to pay for an employee’s injuries if they are hurt while they are performing … Read more

Updated: February 1, 2019

What to Do If Your Employer Intentionally Harms You

angry missouri employer

If you were harmed intentionally by your employer, you have a right to be compensated. In Missouri, employers and companies are required to carry workers’ compensation coverage, which is a specific type of insurance that is taken out to cover an employee if they are injured while on the job. It is also meant to … Read more

Workplace Violence – St. Louis Work Compensation for Injuries

st louis work compensation workplace violence

If you are unsure of how to file a work injury claim after being attacked at work, a Missouri work compensation attorney can help you. There is an expectation of being safe from harm in the workplace. Intentional injury inflicted onto you while at work is generally covered by workers’ compensation benefits. If you are unsure of how … Read more

Updated: June 29, 2016