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Is Preeclampsia a Condition that Can Be Covered by a Workers Comp Claim?

If you have suffered a workplace injury while pregnant, contact an experienced St. Louis workers compensation lawyer to understand your rights. From the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant, she knows a miracle is happening in her body. A human being is growing inside her womb, evolving from a tiny cell to a … Read more

Updated: February 18, 2022

Can Pregnancy Affect Your Workers Compensation Claim?

pregnant woman recieving workers comp

Your employer shouldn’t deny, reduce or stop workers’ compensation benefits because you are pregnant. A positive pregnancy test can send a woman down a whirlwind of emotions. You feel equally excited and terrified. A human being is growing inside you and it almost seems surreal. You realize that your life is about to change and … Read more

Updated: August 15, 2022

Workplace Injuries Among Pregnant Workers

Pregnant work injury

If you have suffered a workplace injury while pregnant, contact a St. Louis workers compensation lawyer to understand your rights. Employers always have to pay close attention to the safety and well-being of their employees and pregnant women need special attention as their health, and the health of their babies can be at higher risk. … Read more

Updated: June 6, 2017