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What Type of Medical Evidence Will Affect My Work Injury Claim?


If you have been injured on the job, it is important to document everything yourself, right from the start!

St. Louis Work Injury Claim

When you are injured on the job, there are times when you will be covered by workers’ compensation insurance and others when you won’t be. The most common deciding factor will be whether you were performing under the scope of your duties while you were injured, or if you were doing something else that would negate your eligibility to collect.

The Right Medical Documentation

The most important component to having your injuries compensated for is to have the proper medical documentation to prove that your injuries were work-related. The best first step to take is to consult a St. Louis workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure that you are getting all the medical evidence you will need.

When you are injured at work, it is imperative that you report your injuries immediately to your supervisor and then seek medical attention. You must be sure to let your employer know when you are hurt, so that there isn’t any question about when or how it happened. There are times when your injuries might be from wear and tear and not just one incident. Wear and tear injuries are much harder to prove because they take a while to surface, and they aren’t experienced in one day, at a specific time or even during a specific incident.

If you experience wear and tear injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or back problems, you have to tell your supervisor as soon as the symptoms appear. Making your employer aware that you are experiencing pain and having problems is critical to having your injuries fairly compensated.

What You Need to Prove Your Case

Medical evidence is going to be the most important component to proving your workers’ compensation case, so documenting things appropriately is crucial to proving that you were injured while on the job. The type of evidence you will need is:

  • A diagnosis or a statement of how long your injury will take to get better and when you can return to work
  • The type of injury you sustained and the symptoms related to your injury in full detail
  • The cost of the treatment that you sought, including any additional follow-up exams or treatments necessary as recommended by your physician
  • How long it will take before your symptoms will disappear, and how long you will need to collect workers’ compensation benefits
  • Any X-rays, MRIs, or scans of the injury
  • A prognosis of your injury
  • Any other observations or advice that you have been given

Whether you sustained an injury due to an accident in Missouri or you are claiming a wear and tear injury, your case will likely be won or lost according to the medical documentation and evidence that you have to present to the insurance company. You will need to report the accident immediately, then seek the help of a St. Louis workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure that you are documenting everything necessary and that you have the evidence needed to get the compensation you deserve.

St. Louis Work Injury Claim

If you have been injured on the job, it is important to document everything yourself, right from the start! For over 20 years our St. Louis workers’ compensation attorney James M. Hoffmann has been working to protect the rights of Missouri workers who have been injured on the job. When we take on your case you can be sure that everything will be done to protect your rights and get you the compensation you and your family need to recover and move forward.

Call us at (314) 361-4300 or fill out our Online Case Evaluation Form

Updated: December 31, 2017
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