In a workers’ compensation claim, you are entitled to hire a lawyer to represent your best interests, even if the insurance company or the employer reassures you that this isn’t necessary.
Workers’ comp lawyers came with all sorts of experience. Here’s why finding the right attorney to represent your case is essential to get properly compensated.

1. Experience Matters
Worker’s compensation is a complicated state program with a lot of nuances and grey areas. It’s essential for the worker’s compensation lawyer you hire to have at least a few years of experience handling these types of cases specifically, and not just have a law degree.
Workers comp cases require understanding exactly how the program works, as even the slightest mistake can end up in claim denial.
For example, workers’ compensation lawyers with experience know that when they cannot reach an agreement with the insurance company, they can take matters to the Missouri Division for workers’ comp, where they may enter mediation, and go in front of an administrative judge. Both processes are slightly different in workers’ comp than other types of lawyers may be used to.
2. Knowing the Specifics of Your Injury
Ideally, you’ll also want someone who has handled previous cases with similar injuries like the one you’ve suffered from, especially if the injury or illness complicates the claim, such as:
- Cases with pre-existing conditions that could be aggravated by the accident
- Claims that include mental health treatment
- Injuries that result in long-term complications and require disability benefits, etc.
Each of these injuries influences how a case is built, and what type of evidence needs to be gathered to win a compensation claim. Going with a lawyer who’s handled similar cases before simply increases your chances of winning the claim.
3. Having the Right Person to Fight for You
There’s also something to be said about the attitude a worker’s compensation lawyer has when it comes to communicating with their clients. When you work with a lawyer, you may not be talking to them every single day, but there’s a big difference between that and not hearing from them at all.
Lawyers should keep you updated whenever there is a change in your case, but if you notice that you are the one who needs to contact them and ask for updates, that’s typically a bad sign. You may be working with someone who is not focusing on your case enough, or who is simply not motivated to fight for you.
Speak With an Experienced Workers Compensation Attorney
If you’ve been injured at work, and feel like the lawyer you have now is misrepresenting you, please reach out to an experienced St. Louis worker’s compensation attorney at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann for a free case evaluation and advice regarding your next steps.