Nobody can predict the future or know for sure what the lasting effects of an injury may be.
When attempting to settle a workers’ compensation claim, the question of future medical care is often a topic. While an employer would like nothing more than to pay the employee their deserved wages and be done with it, that employee could be entitled to continued treatment. When such arguments arise, you will need the help of a qualified Missouri workers’ compensation attorney to ensure that all of your needs, present and future, will be met.

Common Work-Related Injuries
One of the most common work-related injuries is back injuries. These types of injuries can have a lasting effect on an injured person’s quality of life. Most will need ongoing care, if not for months, then for years after the accident, to help alleviate pain and restore function to the area. Workers’ compensation insurance companies fight hard to avoid having to pay for these types of injuries.
Who Pays for Future Medical Care?
The Labor and Industrial Relations Commission has been clear in its decisions regarding future medical care. In the case of a Missouri nursing home employee who injured her back while lifting a patient, the commission found that as long as there is medical evidence to support the possible need for further treatment, the employer is obligated to pay for it.
In the case of the nurse, the commission ordered that future treatment included, but was not limited to, ongoing doctor appointments for the treatment of the pain, prescription pain medications, and any recommended treatments or therapies. In this case, the employer appealed, stating that it was impossible to know the extent of treatment that would be needed. The court cited expert medical opinion and noted that while they were aware that all named medical options may not be relevant, the employee still had a right to them if needed.
The Need For Medical Testimony
The key factor in these cases is a Missouri workers’ compensation attorney who can help provide the necessary medical testimony. Workers’ compensation cases often rely on such testimony to prove the need for medical treatment or to determine the extent of a disability. The court will leave it up to the discretion of the treating physician as to the type of medical care the patient receives but will order that the employer continue to pay for it.
While limited in compensation compared to a personal injury case, an injured employee still has the right to a doctor’s care and any treatment they recommend, as long as the injury is still causing discomfort or inconvenience. Do not allow yourself to be shorted on your rightful medical care. Call the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300 to investigate your case.