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Workers Compensation Claims Involving Head & Brain Injuries


Workers compensation provides benefits to persons injured at the workplace.

head injury workers compAll injuries that occur in the course and scope of work should be covered under workers compensation. While some injuries might be minor, requiring minimal medical treatment, others can be serious rendering a person disabled for the rest of their life. One of the most complex types of workers compensation cases involve head or brain injuries.

Head Injuries

Head injuries can have a clear and obvious impact, with a victim getting permanently incapacitated or becoming comatose. In some other cases, the impact might not be quite severe, but it can be life altering. The injured workers may suffer from headaches, vision problems, or hearing loss. However, in many cases of head injuries, the impact is subtle. Though there is no visible injury, but the victim may face problems relating to cognition, memory, doing math, and other similar problems.

Regardless of the severity of the injuries, the victim may have a valid claim for workers compensation, and it is advisable that they seek the services of a skilled and experienced workers compensation attorney to help get the compensation they deserves.

Quite often, workers neglect head injuries when there is no clear signs of damage and injury. They delay reporting the injury or going to a doctor for the treatment unless they start experiencing some serious symptoms. Some workers simply attribute the symptoms to a health condition, and fail to realize that they be feeling the effects of a workplace injury. It is important that you seek medical treatment, and consult with an attorney as soon as you notice any of the following symptoms after an injury:

  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Memory problems
  • Mood Swings
  • Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Aggression, Violence
  • Sensitivity to loud sounds and bright lights
  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Lack of interest in socializing
  • Impulsiveness
  • Difficulty finding words
  • Problems doing math
  • Inability to enjoy life and hobbies

If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms it might be due to a brain injury or head injury you sustained at work. You should seek immediate medical help if you experience any of these. The common causes of head or brain injuries at workplace are:

  • Fall from a height
  • Fall from the same level
  • Striking an object
  • Being hit by an object
  • Vehicle accident
  • Violence at the workplace
  • Getting trapped or caught in machinery

 Missouri Workers Comp Attorney

If you have suffered a head or brain injury at the workplace you should report your injury immediately even if there are no visible signs of damage. Seek medical help and speak with a workers compensation attorney. It is best it is best to speak with a workers compensation lawyer who is experienced in handling such cases, and is prepared to handle challenges that are unique to head/brain injuries.

To schedule a free consultation with a Missouri workers compensation attorney call (314) 361-4300.


photo credit: r.nial.bradshaw via Flickr

Updated: August 16, 2014
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