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Workers’ Compensation for Massage Therapists


St. Louis massage therapists face a variety of potential dangers on the job.

If you asked any expert to make a list of dangerous occupations, massage therapy would not be at the top of it. Still, those that work in this profession face a variety of dangers. If you work as a massage therapist, understanding your injury risks is well worth your time. Here is what you need to know about massage therapy and workers’ compensation.

St. Louis massage therapist

Dangers Faced

Though massage therapists can sustain an injury in a variety of contexts, the following are the two most prevalent.

Slips, Trips, and Falls – Between giving treatment and walking through your workplace, massage therapy is a profession that involves being on your feet throughout the day. Additionally, there are many oils and other slippery substances that could be on the ground at any time. Each of these factors can lead to a fall.

Repetitive Stress – The primary danger faced in this profession is repetitive stress. Therapists work very hard to dig into their client’s muscles, and as a result, may strain themselves physically. If they do so frequently, they are at risk of injury.

Common Injuries

For falls, the primary injuries that come about are sprains, bones breaks, and bruising. Depending on the severity of these damages, you could be out of work for anywhere from a few days to a few months. Most massage therapy injuries come from repetitive stress, though. These ailments include muscle pain, joint pain, back issues, rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel. While none of these conditions are life-threatening, they can impact your ability to do your job effectively.

Are You Eligible?

Three critical details reveal if you are eligible or not. First, your injury must come about as a result of your work. If you injure yourself during a non-work task, you will not be able to collect benefits. This rule does not mean that your injury must be an acute event at your workplace, though. You can notice work-related damage anytime and still be eligible. Second, your health issues must inhibit your ability to do your job. A minor ailment likely will not satisfy the requirements, but more severe ones will. Lastly, you must be part of a medium-large sized company. If you are a freelancer or part of a company with under five employees, you may miss out on benefits.

What Not to Do

The instinct of most massage therapists is to fight through the pain. Often, they think that the discomfort they feel is a natural result of their job, rather than a legitimate injury. This is a mistake and should always be avoided. If you feel pain, ask your employer if they have a company doctor you can see about your condition. If your symptoms persist, it is a good idea to speak with an experienced St. Louis workers compensation lawyer and start the workers’ compensation process.

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