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Workers Compensation for Missouri Grain Storage Workers


Grain storage facilities are full of potential hazards that can put you at risk of injury or even death.

a Missouri grain storage worker

As a grain storage worker, you’re responsible for handling and storing grains in large facilities and ensuring that the grains are properly stored and protected from damage. These tasks may seem simple to the average person, but you understand it requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge to do this safely. This article will discuss some common hazards that grain storage workers face, provide tips for preventing these hazards, as well as what you should do if you are injured on the job.

Common Hazards in Grain Handling Facilities

Grain storage facilities are full of potential hazards that can put you at risk of injury or even death. Some of the hazards you may encounter include:

Suffocation: When grain is stored in large quantities, it can accumulate and settle around the walls, creating an environment where suffocation can occur. This is especially dangerous when you need to enter the storage area to perform maintenance or retrieve grain. The grain can create a vacuum-like atmosphere that can suck in air and trap you inside, making it difficult for you to breathe.

Entrapment: This can occur when you become trapped in grain storage bins or other grain-handling equipment. This hazard can be especially dangerous as grain can act like quicksand and trap you, making it difficult or impossible to escape. Additionally, if you’re working on or near improperly maintained conveyor belts, augers, and other equipment, you may become trapped in the machinery resulting in amputation or death.

Falls from Heights: You often work at heights, which presents a significant fall hazard. This is particularly true when working on top of a grain bin, as the surface can be uneven and slippery, making it easy to lose footing and fall. In addition, you may be required to climb ladders or use other equipment to access the top of the bin, which can also increase the risk of falls.

Safety Precautions and Training to Reduce the Hazards in Grain Handling Facilities

To reduce the hazards you face, it’s important to implement safety precautions and provide training on handling and storing grains safely. Some of the safety precautions and training that can be implemented include:

Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

You should be trained to properly use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, safety glasses, respirators, and protective clothing. This will help protect you from any potential risks associated with grain storage, such as dust, mold, or other hazardous particles.

Adherence to Safety Protocols

 You should be trained to adhere to safety protocols, such as following proper grain storage practices and procedures. This includes understanding the signs and symptoms of dust and mold exposure and learning to identify and report any unsafe conditions in the grain storage area.

Additionally, you should be familiar with the specific safety protocols that pertain to your job, such as how to safely handle and store grain, perform regular maintenance and inspections, and be aware of any potential hazards in the grain storage area.

St. Louis Workers Compensation Lawyer

At the Law Office of James M. Hoffman, our team of experienced St. Louis work injury lawyers is dedicated to helping grain storage workers who have been injured or suffered a loss on the job. We understand the unique risks associated with grain handling and can provide the legal guidance and support you need to get the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. Our attorneys have over 30 years of experience handling workers’ compensation claims and can help you navigate the complex legal process to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for your work-related injuries. We are here to answer your questions and provide the legal support you need to get the justice you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help.

Updated: February 8, 2023
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