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6 Questions to Discuss With Your St. Louis Workers Comp Lawyer


If you have sustained an injury or illness that is work-related and are seeking workers’ compensation, you may wisely choose to work with an attorney.

st. louis man on phone with lawyer

Claiming compensation for serious injuries or illnesses arising because of the workplace or work involves navigating through complex rules and procedures. And while Missouri’s Department of Labor and Industrial Relations provides information specialists to answer general questions, they cannot necessarily advise on specific situations. 

To ensure you receive the appropriate reparation for your condition, working with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney is highly recommended.

How a Workers’ Comp Lawyer Can Help

In most cases, workers’ comp benefits of employees are paid for either by an insurance company or a self-insured employer. As such, they are more likely to find reasons to limit your benefits, withhold information on obscure benefits like travel reimbursements and job retraining, or even deny your request.

There are three general situations wherein attorney representation becomes essential:

  • Your claim is denied
  • A dispute on the severity of the work-related permanent disability you sustained
  • The big impact of your injury on your ability to work

Under these circumstances, you might not be able to assert the maximum benefits you are entitled to if you go through the process on your own. An experienced Missouri workers’ compensation lawyer will be proficient in negotiating just and fair settlements, challenging denials, and building a solid case based on medical evidence.

Questions to Discuss With a Missouri Workers Compensation Lawyer

You can get a free consultation by phone or in person. Make sure you have all the pertinent information and documents regarding your case to help them provide you with sound advice. 

Here are some questions you can discuss with your lawyer:

  • Is the insurance company’s settlement offer fair?
  • How will my claim be affected by Medicare qualification?
  • Why am I not issued weekly benefit checks even if a physician has declared me unfit to work due to injury?
  • Can I still file for workers’ compensation when Medicaid has already paid for my medical bills?
  • Will you be able to challenge the denial of my claim?
  • Am I receiving all of the benefits than I deserve?

You may also ask your prospective attorney about their legal background, such as their level of expertise in workers’ comp and their length of experience in this field. Fees and payment terms are also topics you need to discuss before selecting your lawyer.

If you are a Missouri resident who has suffered, or is still suffering, work-related injury or illness and would like to consult with a Missouri workers’ compensation lawyer, we are here to help!

Updated: December 7, 2020
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