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7 Safety Tips for Working with Cranes


Crane safety is complex, but there are 7 basics that every employer should have in place to keep everyone safe.

An incredibly high proportion of cases that St. Louis workers compensation attorneys take involve construction workers. One reason why is their use of cranes, which are very powerful and frequently cause injuries.

Employers have an obligation to keep their workers safe and one way of doing this is safety training. Crane safety is complex, but there are 7 basics that every employer should have in place to keep everyone safe.

If your job involves working with or around cranes, you need to know and follow the safety guidelines. Your employer should provide the training and knowledge you need to stay safe at work!

Work Accident Lawyer St. Louis

Follow Company Guidelines

Though our safety tips are useful, your company should have a much more thorough list of guidelines. One of the best things you can do is go over them and apply them when appropriate. Doing so will keep you safe and ensure that your employer doesn’t accuse you of negligence after a work-related accident.

Make Sure Everyone Has Proper Training

When it comes to cranes, everyone who takes part in operating them should have proper training. This piece of machinery is not one that you can learn on the fly, so make sure you and your coworkers only do so after receiving adequate education. If you do see somebody breaking the rules, tell your supervisor.

Take Advantage of Safety Cards

One thing that your workplace might have are safety cards. What they do is take proper usage guidelines and put them in a form that is easy to understand. If these cards are available to you, don’t hesitate to use them when working in or around a crane.

Conduct Regular Inspections

As is true with any piece of machinery, cranes degrade over time. For this reason, it is a good idea to conduct regular inspections. Finding cracks, rust, or general wear and tear can be an indication that your crane needs repair and should not be used until your company resolves those issues.

Install Fall Protection

You and your coworkers may have to climb your crane at various points throughout the day. While doing so almost always goes smoothly, people occasionally fall. It is best to have fall protection systems in place for these events. If you do not have one, consider talking to your employer about the subject.

Don’t Rush

Rushing through projects frequently leads to mistakes. Rather than going fast, try to make a realistic schedule and stick to it. Even if you fall behind, being a bit late is better than suffering an injury.


There are many moving parts when it comes to crane usage. What you can do to stay safe is communicate with your coworkers and make sure you know what is happening at all times. Doing so should keep you out of dangerous areas and situations.

Work Comp Attorney in St. Louis

Following the guidelines on this list will go a long way in keeping you safe at work. That being said, accidents can happen no matter how careful you are. The damages that come from them tend to be severe when working with cranes, so talking to a St. Louis work injury attorney is advisable in those situations. Though these accidents can be tragic, getting the benefits you need afterward helps a great deal. Hiring a skilled lawyer is one of the best ways to make that happen.

At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, our legal team has a strong history of helping injured workers get the medical attention and financial compensation that they need. Call us today at (314) 361-4300 or fill out our online contact form.

Updated: March 20, 2020
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