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“Can I Get Workers Comp if I’m Injured While Running a Job-Related Errand?”


If you’re injured while performing job duties but you’re not at work, filing workers’ compensation can be more complex.

Workers’ compensation in Missouri is relatively straightforward if you’re injured at your place of work. If you suffer an injury at work, you can generally file a workers’ compensation claim.

However, things can get a little murkier if you’re running a work-related errand but you’re not at work. Let’s discuss what is – and isn’t – covered by workers’ comp when running job-related errands.

woman running a job errand

“Work-Related” Injuries Are Covered by Workers’ Compensation

While there are exceptions, you will almost always be covered by workers’ compensation if you were performing a job-related or work-related duty while you were injured – even if you’re not at your workplace.

For example, let’s say you’re an executive assistant and your boss asks you to walk their dog as part of your work duties. You do so, and another dog attacks you while you’re walking your boss’s dog. Since this is a work-related errand, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation.

Or, let’s say that you’re a salesperson, and you have to drive across town to meet with a buyer – then you’re hit by a truck on the highway. This would likely be considered part of your job duties since meeting buyers is part of your role, and workers’ compensation would cover you. 

Some Situations That Aren’t Directly Work-Related May Be Covered by Workers’ Comp

In most cases, Missouri’s “going and coming” rule means you can’t get workers’ comp if you’re injured on the way to or from work. For example, you won’t get compensation if you’re in a car accident while commuting home.

There are some exceptions if you can prove that you were on a work-related errand. Let’s say your boss asks you to pick up their dry cleaning, and your car is rear-ended while you’re on your way to the dry cleaner and you’re injured.

In this case, you may be “off the clock,” but you may still be performing a job duty – and so this may be considered to be within the scope of your employment, qualifying you for workers’ compensation. After all, it can be argued that you would not have been injured if your boss had not asked you to pick up their dry cleaning.

Protect Your Rights by Hiring a St. Louis Work Injury Attorney

If you’re injured while performing job duties but you’re not at work, filing workers’ compensation can be more complex, and your employer or insurer may even try to deny you the compensation you deserve. Speak with an experienced St. Louis work injury attorney at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann for a free case evaluation.

Updated: March 24, 2021
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