For individuals who use high-powered tools, Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome is often caused by their working conditions.
We’ve all experienced that moment after a long day at the amusement park when we lay down to sleep and feel like we’re still riding one of the roller coasters. However, when you work each day with power drills, chainsaws, and other kinds of machinery that vibrates, it can also cause those phantom effects.

This can lead to a more severe condition known as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). For individuals who use high-powered tools, this is often due to their working conditions, and they may be able to seek assistance. By contacting a workers’ compensation lawyer in St. Louis, an experienced attorney can help you determine whether you are entitled to benefits.
What is Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome?
Doctors are still figuring out the exact correlation between vibrating machinery and the impact on the body. However, many believe the repetitive motion causes injury to the nerves and blood vessels in the fingers, which produces these numbing and tingling sensations in the body.
At first, these sensations may be small and come-and-go without much impact. But as time goes on, there may be a permanent numbness and cause problems with fine motor skills, such a fastening a button, picking up coins, or even using nails. That is because the damage to muscles, joints, or bones can weaken your overalls strength for everyday tasks. Over time, this can cause problems to your ability to work and quality of life.
What To Do if You Suspect You Have HAVS?
As with any medical condition, you should always seek out a doctor for assistance. A healthcare professional is trained to identify and diagnose any conditions related to hand-arm vibration syndrome. In many cases, they can help to identify the root cause and offer some relief.
However, there is generally no known cure for HAVS. In fact, the only way to combat HAVS is generally to prevent it. Because of its impact on your work and daily routine, many choose to pursue a workers compensation claim. Often, employers are aware of the risks to their workers and should establish appropriate guidelines for using these high-powered tools and machines.
An experienced attorney can help protect your legal right to compensation if you suffer an injury related to your employment. While workers’ compensation is intended to be a simplified system, it can be quite complicated and may impact other benefits such as Medicare or Social Security. Working with a St. Louis Workers’ compensation lawyer can help you navigate these murky waters and get you the support you deserve.