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Heavy Machinery Accidents – St. Louis Work Injury Lawyer

heavy machinery

If you work in the manufacturing or construction industry, you no doubt understand that occupational hazards can cause serious injuries and even death. While proper maintenance of equipment, compliance with safety rules and proper vigilance can reduce the risk of sustaining catastrophic injuries or death, construction projects are inherently dangerous. While there are numerous hazards … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Risk of Explosion on Construction Sites – St. Louis Work Injury Lawyer

fire after St. Louis explosion

Construction projects are hazardous and pose serious injury risk to construction workers, visitors and even passing pedestrians and drivers. There are a variety of dangers lurking in a typical construction site. Of them, explosions pose a particularly serious threat. Explosions on construction sites can cause catastrophic injuries and even fatalities. There are extensive federal and … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

The Dangerous Nature of Jobs in the Fracking Industry

fracking work injury st louis

Workers in the fracking industry are often exposed to dangerous chemicals such as benzene and silica. The oil and gas industry helps economy in various ways. The industry also offers jobs to a very large number of workers. More and more people are gaining employment in the field. However, the jobs in the fracking industry … Read more

Updated: December 15, 2019

Road Crew Work Injuries – St. Louis Worker Compensation Lawyers

Every day road crew workers are in close proximity to moving vehicles. This puts them at a high risk of getting severely injured. An extensive network of roads and highways connect towns and cities. Road crews and highway workers are responsible for their maintenance. Every day they work on the roads in close proximity to … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Machine Accidents Occur More Commonly Than You May Think

St. Louis worker using a machine

Machines are used in industries so that the work can be done in a more efficient, easy and quick manner. They are the backbone of the manufacturing, construction and transportation industries. While machines are certainly a blessing to such industries, if they malfunction or are not used correctly they may become a curse. OSHA states … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

The Hazards of Working in Confined Spaces – St. Louis Workplace Injury

St. Louis Work Injury Lawyer

OSHA has determined that working in permit-required confined spaces involves significant risks for employees. When a person works in a confined space, the risk of accident doubles. It is important to be aware of the extra hazards posed by working in confined spaces, and the responsibilities of the employer when it comes to ensuring safety. … Read more

Updated: February 18, 2022