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Injured on the Job as an Apprentice: Can You Get Workers Compensation?


If you suffered injuries while performing work duties as an apprentice, here are the important steps you need to take.

Imagine you have been accepted into an apprentice program and you will start your training in just a few days. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about your future job and gain some experience. Your head is probably full of questions, and you can’t wait to ask your mentor all about your job. One thing you may be worrying about is what happens if you get hurt. Can you get worker compensation benefits?

Here’s what you need to know. 

st. louis man on phone with lawyer

What Is Apprenticeship?

It’s essential to understand your employment status and how it affects your rights. To receive compensation for injuries suffered while working as an apprentice, certain conditions must be met.

An apprenticeship program is meant to prepare the future workforce by training individuals in a certain industry. Apprentices will receive a wage while they are learning the skills they need to become full-time employees. Most programs offer certification after certain hours of apprenticeship have been performed, which can help a lot when applying for a job.

Are You Eligible to Receive Workers’ Compensation?

Apprentices are generally covered by the workers’ compensation system, even if they don’t work full-time, and are not considered employees of the company yet. The same rules apply when it comes to liability: if the worker is injured while performing work-related duties, they can file a claim. 

But in terms of how the benefits are calculated, there might be some exceptions for apprentices, volunteers, or interns. In Missouri, a regular employee receives two-thirds of the average weekly gross wage. There will typically be special wages for an apprentice who was hurt on the job to secure a certain standard of living during recovery.

What to Do After Being Hurt at Work?

If you suffered injuries while performing work duties as an apprentice, you need to notify your sponsor as soon as possible. The wise course of action is to see a doctor and speak with a Missouri workers’ compensation attorney.

Filing your claim promptly and having an attorney on your side to build a strong case on hard evidence will greatly increase your chances of getting the full compensation you are legally entitled to. With this in mind, don’t be intimidated or skeptical about your eligibility, even if your employer tells you otherwise.

Can You Really Afford a Lawyer?

You may be worried that you cannot afford to hire a lawyer. The good news is, most workers’ comp lawyers work for a contingency fee, which means that you won’t have to pay their fee until the case is closed and you receive compensation.

Updated: January 12, 2021
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