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Occupational Diseases Vs. Occupational Injuries


Many claims are denied on the grounds that there is no specific event that can be pinpointed as the cause of the injury.

occupational illness and injuries

Occupational diseases are different from occupational injuries, though they can oftentimes be referred to interchangeably. The term “occupational injury” can be used to refer to any injury or condition resulting from conditions in the workplace environment, but occupational diseases are somewhat different. Most people think of occupational injuries that result from an accident or repetitive actions, but occupational diseases are also a major concern for many workers.

Occupational diseases are diseases or conditions that occur as the result of ongoing workplace conditions that are oftentimes ignored by the employer. This generally involves exposure to chemicals. Asbestos leading to Mesothelioma on construction sites was a more common occupational disease in previous years due to the ingestion of asbestos over a period of many years. Pesticides are now a leading cause of occupational disease, resulting in skin and respiratory illnesses. Other occupational diseases affect the nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system.

It is important to work with a workers’ compensation attorney when you are filing a compensation claim for an occupational injury or disease. Many claims are denied on the grounds that there is no specific event that can be pinpointed as the cause of the injury. However, this can be in direct contradiction to the law. It is not always necessary for there to be a specific event that precipitated the injury in order for you to be compensated for the injury or condition. Workers’ compensation laws differ from state to state, so the first step, after you report your injury, seek medical attention, and file your claim, is to seek the advice of a workers’ compensation attorney.

Physical laborers who perform repetitive lifting actions, employees who spend long hours at a computer, assembly workers, workers in the construction industry, or any workers who are exposed to toxic chemicals on a regular basis, are all especially at risk for occupational injuries and repetitive stress injuries. It can be more difficult to determine how many occupational diseases or injuries result in death aside from exposure diseases like asbestosis, coal workers pneumoconiosis, and silicosis. In the year 2000, 430,000 occupational diseases that were nonfatal were recorded. Around 60 percent of those 430,000 occurred in the manufacturing industry.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

You should contact a workers’ compensation attorney regarding your particular case and the circumstances involved. Each case is different and in order to get the maximum workers’ compensation, each should be pursued differently. It is always important that you notify your employer of the injury immediately after it occurs and follow the proper procedure for documenting each step of the process.

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Updated: February 12, 2021
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