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Workers Lung Injury – St. Louis Work Injury Lawyer

St. Louis workers in many industries are exposed to airborne risks that can cause work-related lung injuries.

Lung Injury St. Louis

A large number of workers find themselves at risk of lung injury and lung illness while on the job. It is a fact that certain industries carry a higher risk for workers than others. You may have been doing your job for years, even decades, and develop a chronic lung illness or even disability. However, chronic illnesses due to prolonged exposure are only part of the situation.

One time incidents involving hazardous materials or corrosive chemicals can also pose a threat to the well-being of workers by causing acute inhalation injuries. These one-time events can cause severe, irreversible lung damage. If you have been exposed to hazardous chemicals and have suffered any type of lung injury or disease as a result, contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann for a free consultation. Do not let your employers insurance company deny you benefits. You should be receiving ALL of your workers compensation benefits.

Acute Inhalation Injuries

Some industrial accidents can put workers at an increased risk of acute inhalation bronchial and lung injuries. A single exposure to certain chemicals can cause irreversible damage to lung functioning, eye injuries, sense of taste and smell and eve death. Some of the common fumes and gases responsible for severe lung injury that are released during industrial accidents include:

  • Soluble gases and fumes: These include ammonia, hydrofluoric acid, chlorine and other concentrated acids. These gases and fumes easily dissolve in the body’s moisture and create severe burning that can cause damage to the lungs, larynx, bronchial tubes, nose, throat and eyes. Those who work around these chemicals are at risk.
  • Insoluble gases: These include hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide and other oxides, and phosgene. They have a delayed effect that extends over hours, unlike soluble gases that have an immediate effect. Silo filler’s disease is a common ailment reported among those who work in silos where nitrogen dioxide gas can build up to harmful levels.
  • Asphyxiates: These can suffocate the worker, and include hydrogen sulfide. Asphyxiates cause lung irritation and injury by displacing oxygen in the body. Some other common asphyxiates include hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane and argon.

This list of harmful gases and fumes is far from exhaustive. Those who work with or around petroleum hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, acetates, formaldehyde and other chemicals or other concentrated acids may also be at risk of acute exposure that can harm the lungs and airways.

St. Louis Workers with the Greatest Risks

Industries in which worker faces the risk of acute or chronic lung injury due to exposure to harmful gases, fumes, organic and inorganic dusts and acids include but are not limited to:

  • Shipyards and shipbuilding industries
  • Chemical and petrochemical plants
  • Railroads and related industries
  • Automotive plants and related industries
  • Refineries
  • Foundries
  • Mills
  • Quarries and mines
  • Lumber processing industries
  • Textile factories
  • Construction industries
  • Painting

Workers in these industries are commonly exposed to hazardous chemicals and situations that can damage lungs and airways. Some of these dangers you cannot even see because they are in the air. If the proper equipment is not used, these airborne risks can easily damage a persons lungs.

Legal Help with a Lung Injury Case

If you or a loved one have suffered a lung injury due to exposure at work, contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann for a free case review. While the workers compensation system is supposed to provide you with the benefits you and your family need, there are situations that can complicate matters. Your employers insurance company may outright deny you benefits, or your boss may not be helping you file a claim. Whatever the problem, we are committed to resolving these legal issues for you.





The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann

Our legal team has a strong history of helping injured workers get the medical attention and financial compensation that they need. Based in St. Louis, and handling workers compensation cases throughout the State of Missouri, our law firm will ensure that your rights are protected. Please call (314) 361-4300 or toll free at (314) 361-4300. You can also complete our Online Case Evaluation Form. All communications are returned promptly.

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