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Claiming Interest Due On Unpaid Claims

Employers may be charged interest if they initially deny a claim that is later found to be valid. How do you receive this compensation? There are certain procedures mandated by the United States Department of Labor that must be followed when you are hurt at work. As an employee you have a responsibility to report … Read more

Updated: February 8, 2017

Third Party Fault in Workman’s Compensation Cases

If you are injured on the job, a Missouri workman’s compensation attorney can look at the accident to determine if an outside entity should be held liable. One of the benefits to an employer with workman’s compensation insurance is it inhibits their employee from suing them for a work related accident. If you were injured … Read more

Updated: March 6, 2017

The Games Insurance Companies Will Play to Not Pay

Insurance is big business in the United States, and like most businesses, they abhor losing money. Even though the very nature of their service is to provide monetary compensation for accident victims, they employ adjusters whose goal is to minimize the amount of such payments as much as possible. After an accident there is a … Read more

Updated: March 2, 2017

Workman’s Compensation Benefits for a Work Related Assault

missouri office complex

It is no secret that most work environments are very stressful.  Because different personality types are mixed together, it is a matter of course that there will be clashes and conflicts from time to time. In some instances, those conflicts may turn physical. Missouri does allow claims for workman’s compensation if an injury results from … Read more

Updated: November 9, 2022

273,000 Reasons to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney

I represent injured workers in Missouri. At a recent workers compensation hearing in St. Louis, I represented a St. Louis employee who suffered a herniated lumbar disc when he slipped and fell on ice at work. A lumbar fusion surgery was performed in addition to laminectomies at the two lumbar levels above. The employee’s unpaid … Read more

Updated: April 3, 2017

Proving a Work Related Cause For Knee Injuries

Repetitive injuries are a very common reason for workman’s compensation claims. Having to perform the same function over and over on a daily basis will cause a breakdown of small muscles and nerves resulting in constant pain. Some instances of a repetitive injury may not actually be a repeat of a certain movement, but instead … Read more

Updated: December 19, 2013