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Bill to Overhaul Federal Workers Compensation System

Employees who work for private companies are not affected by these proposed changes, as these only apply to federal employees. Legislators proposed a new bill that tacked a provision onto legislation dealing with postal workers that would completely overhaul the federal workers compensation system. Federal workers are governed by a different system than other workers. … Read more

Updated: February 9, 2018

Personal Injury Lawsuits Involving Railroad Employees

trian accident lawyer

Employees who are injured while working for the railroad generally have the right to sue for damages under the Federal Employee Liabilities Act. Because railroad employees are usually not covered under workers compensation, individuals who are injured while working for a railroad, will need to file a personal injury lawsuit. The Federal Employee Liabilities Act was … Read more

Updated: December 29, 2015

Slip and Fall Accidents in the Workplace

There are a number of reasons that can cause a person to slip and fall at work.   Each year there are thousands of slip and fall work related accidents. These types of accidents can result in serious injury, even death and are the most common type of workplace accidents. According to OSHA, 15% of … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Workers’ Compensation: Top Hazards and Statistics

Some industries present more hazards to workers and work environments that are riskier than others. But all sorts of different work environments can present different types of hazards to employees. For instance, office workers may not be regularly exposed to toxic chemicals, but office employees may be at risk of developing repetitive motion injuries. From … Read more

Updated: August 6, 2013

How Your Social Media Presence Can Affect Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

Social media is an important component of people’s lives. While social media used to be reserved for people’s personal lives, it also plays an important part in people’s professional lives nowadays. These blurred lines between personal and professional use of social media has lead to some interesting complications. Individuals have been fired for posting risque … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2024

What Happens If Your Employer Is Uninsured?

Contact a St. Louis workers’ compensation lawyer. Employers who have 5 or more employees must have workers’ compensation insurance coverage. If an employer fails to comply with this law they can be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. This can be accompanied by a penalty of either $50,000 or three times the amount of the … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019