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Workers’ Compensation Settlements for Rotator Cuff and Bicep Tear Injuries


Get the compensation you deserve for rotator cuff and bicep tear injuries. Learn how to navigate workers’ comp settlements and protect your rights. Injuries such as rotator cuff and bicep tears can be debilitating, impacting your ability to work and perform daily activities. If you’ve sustained such an injury at work, you may be entitled … Read more

Updated: June 19, 2024

7 Occupational Diseases That May Be Hiding in Your Workplace

missouri worker with a rotator cuff injury

Even the safest workplaces can have hidden dangers that put you at risk for an occupational disease. Compared to other areas of your life, you probably spend a lot of time at work. And ideally, the workplace you frequently occupy would be safe. However, the truth is, that even the safest workplaces can have hidden … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2022

Workers Compensation Settlement for a Shoulder Injury

Work Comp Attorney St. Louis

An employee may have an acute injury, or shoulder pain can develop over a period of time. The shoulder is a very complex ball-and-socket joint with three main bones. Each of these bones is held together by muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Because there are so many shoulder parts, a person can injure their shoulder in … Read more

Updated: June 12, 2024

Rotator Cuff Surgery Following a Workplace Injury – Missouri Workmens Comp

rotator cuff injury injured at work

An injury to the rotator cuff can be painful and may limit range of motion. Rotator cuffs are the group of muscles and tendons that connect the bones of the shoulder joint and hold the top part of the arm bone to the shoulder blade. Rotator cuffs allow the shoulders to move. An injury to … Read more

Updated: November 6, 2019

Missouri Workers’ Compensation: Rotator Cuff Injuries

If you have a work-related rotator cuff injury, you may need the help of a Missouri workers’ compensation attorney to help you receive your benefits. Rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons connected to the bones of the shoulder joint. These tendons and muscles are responsible for the shoulder joint’s range of motion. … Read more

Updated: November 6, 2019