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6 Things Employers Can Do to Prevent Occupational Hearing Loss

manufacturing worker with hearing protection

Prevent hearing loss in the workplace by implementing a hearing conservation program, reducing noise, scheduling breaks, providing PPE, and openly discussing noise safety. Occupational hearing loss, as the name implies, is damage to the inner ear from noise or vibrations that lead to partial or complete loss of hearing. Exposure to loud noise in the … Read more

Updated: April 24, 2023

Missouri Workers’ Compensation and Loss of Hearing

manufacturing worker with hearing protection

Work-related hearing loss can affect a worker’s ability to perform even basic tasks. Hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with how the ear detects or processes sound. It can range from mild to severe and affect one or both ears. It can be present at birth or can be acquired later in life. … Read more

Updated: December 18, 2022

7 Occupational Diseases That May Be Hiding in Your Workplace

missouri worker with a rotator cuff injury

Even the safest workplaces can have hidden dangers that put you at risk for an occupational disease. Compared to other areas of your life, you probably spend a lot of time at work. And ideally, the workplace you frequently occupy would be safe. However, the truth is, that even the safest workplaces can have hidden … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2022

7 Common Injuries in Missouri Poultry Processing Plants

Missouri poultry processing plant

This article will discuss some of the most common injuries in poultry processing plants and what workers can do to prevent them. When you think of poultry processing plants, the first thing that comes to mind may naturally be images of chickens and turkeys being processed. However, for many workers in poultry processing plants, it … Read more

Updated: April 25, 2022

Recognizing the Early Signs of a Work-Related Ruptured Eardrum

st. louis worker with a ruptured eardrum

A ruptured eardrum is a hole or a tear in the thin tissue that lies between the ear canal and the middle ear (the eardrum). Some work accidents can have rather clear cut cases; slip and falls are one such example. Someone spilled something on the floor, and you did not notice, slipped, and broke … Read more

Updated: October 24, 2019

How to Protect Yourself from Hearing Loss at Work

missouri worker with a hearing aid

One of the most common, but somehow less talked about work-related injuries is temporary or permanent hearing loss or hearing impairment. Here are some numbers provided by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)to help you understand how prevalent this issue is. Hazardous Noises Are More Common Than You Imagine In the hope … Read more