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Why You Shouldn’t Rush to Return to Work After an Injury

hard hats at a work site

Work-related injuries are quite common, but often people choose to ignore them or compromise their recovery by going back to work before they reach maximum medical improvement (MMI.) Both scenarios can easily end up with more severe injuries or complications.

It’s not hard to imagine why someone would be in a hurry to go back to work after taking a medical leave: worries related to their financial situation or to the status of their employment are often burdening. However, in many cases, this mistake can cost them even more by worsening the injuries and the expenses that come after.

Avoid complications and unmanageable medical bills by staying off work for as long as your doctor advises.

Possible Complications and Worsening of Your Injuries When Getting Back to Work Too Early

Workplace injuries can affect your body in countless ways. You can suffer from:

These are only a few examples of the possible work-related injuries you can get. Depending on their severity, your recovery period will take more or less time, but it’s very important to keep off work until you have fully regained your functions. Getting back to work before that can put you through pain and additional strain, which not only will affect your productivity but interfere with your recovery as well.

Your Worker’s Compensation Claim Can Be Affected Too

When you are injured at work, you have the right to make a workers’ compensation claim. Your employer’s insurance company will typically be responsible for covering your medical bills and lost wages. The process of getting your claim accepted involves proving that your work duties have led to injuries. Going back to work before you make a full recovery allows the insurance company to back their refusal by arguing that your injuries are not as serious as you claim them to be since you have decided to get back to work.

A St. Louis workers comp attorney can better explain to you what to do and, most importantly, what not to do after you have submitted a claim to your employer’s insurance company. They will make sure that your rights are protected and that you won’t have to worry about medical bills or missing work that result from your injuries.

If your employer or their insurance company are trying to intimidate you into returning to work by making your claim seem unreasonable or unfounded or by threatening to give your job to someone else, take action by legally defending your rights and staying focused on your health.

Even if the insurance company doesn’t explicitly act in bad faith, they can still try to reduce their loss by offering you less than you could actually get, and take advantage of your financial worries by making a quick offer. Don’t sign any settlement before consulting your St. Louis workers compensation lawyer, as it could release the insurer from the responsibility of covering your damage too early, leaving you with potential expenses that you would have to pay from your own pocket.

Updated: February 25, 2020
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