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“How Much Will I Be Compensated When I File a St. Louis Work Injury Claim?”

personal injury claim st. louis

If you’ve recently been injured on the job in St. Louis and you want to file a worker’s compensation claim, you may be wondering what you’re entitled to. Medical Care & Expenses First and foremost, you must see a doctor authorized by your employer and their insurance company. All of the medical care and expenses … Read more

Updated: November 17, 2020

How Expert Testimony Can Help With Your Workers Compensation Case

expert testimony in workers comp case

Let’s say you have the following situation: you’ve been injured on the job and you have filed a workers compensation claim. These benefits are supposed to ensure you get adequate medical treatment, and even lost wages should you need to take some time off. But there’s a problem. The insurance company doesn’t agree with what … Read more

Updated: February 25, 2020

How Long Do I Have to Be Employed to Recieve Workers Compensation Benefits

The insurance company will go to great lengths to save money and avoid paying the compensation you may be legally entitled to. Everyone wants to make a good first impression at their new place of employment. But when you’re new, don’t know the environment just yet, or maybe don’t have enough work experience, it can … Read more

Updated: February 20, 2024

Getting Compensated for “Sick Building Syndrome”

Sick building syndrome refers to a wide range of causes for work-related injuries or sickness. When your working environment or conditions make you sick, you are caught in the middle: having to pay medical bills and suffering physical and mental damage because of the job that is supposed to pay for those medical bills. This … Read more

Updated: August 27, 2019

Two Reasons Your Workers Comp Claim May Be Delayed

Getting injured on the job is a stressful event, especially if the resulting injuries prevent you from going back to work and earning a living. Not to mention, you have to worry about paying your medical bills and other expenses associated with your condition. Workers compensation benefits are meant to help the injured employee sustain … Read more

Not All Work Injuries Are “Visible”, but They Deserve Compensation Too!

St. Louis carpal tunnel injury

Just because people can’t see your wounds, doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t entitled to workers’ compensation. A laceration or head concussion can elicit the empathy of your manager and colleagues. However, not all work injuries are visible. Repetitive tasks, lifting heavy objects, a stressful work environment, and so on can lead to painful injuries and … Read more

Updated: April 4, 2024