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Flying Debris Injuries on Construction Sites: Who Is at Fault?

Work Accident Attorney St Louis

Missouri law states that employers must ensure a safe environment for all the people working on a construction site. Missouri workers compensation laws are designed to make sure workers in the state are covered in case of an injury or illness. These settlements can cover the cost of their medical treatment and lost wages. But … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Construction Site Trench Accident – Work Injury Lawyer St. Louis

Work Accident Attorney in St Louis

Trench accidents are among the most dangerous types of construction site accidents. Trenches and excavation sites are needed for building and repairing almost all structures. In addition they’re needed when burying electrical wires, conduit, and plumbing. But while necessary, trenches pose serious risks to construction workers working in and around them. In fact, trench accidents … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

7 Safety Tips for Working with Cranes

Work Accident Lawyer St. Louis

Crane safety is complex, but there are 7 basics that every employer should have in place to keep everyone safe. An incredibly high proportion of cases that St. Louis workers compensation attorneys take involve construction workers. One reason why is their use of cranes, which are very powerful and frequently cause injuries. Employers have an … Read more

Updated: March 20, 2020

How Fatigue Affects Construction Workers

According to OSHA, worker fatigue increases a workers risk for illnesses and work related injuries. Construction workers have one of the most dangerous jobs. One of the contributing factors of this is fatigue. Fatigue can affect motor skills, distracts workers, and puts them in risky situations. However, those that work in this industry can make … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

The Most Important Pieces of Protective Gear For Construction Workers

There are many advantages to being a construction worker, as long as you work safely and wear proper protective gear. If you’re a construction worker, you probably don’t need us to tell you that your job is one of the more dangerous ones out there. That being said, there are also many advantages to being … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Avoiding Ladder Injuries at Work

Ladder accidents at work can result in severe injuries. Here’s how to stay safe. Whether you work in construction, at a warehouse, or are simply hanging Christmas lights around your office once a year, you should always be careful when using ladders. This approach is crucial, as a mistake at height can lead to severe … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024