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What you Need to Know About Utilization Review and Work Comp Benefits

FMLA after work injury

A worker can be denied his/her workers comp benefits because of a utilization review, even if they suffered injuries at the workplace. Workers compensation covers medical treatment, lost wages, ongoing care and any other necessary expenses arising out of a workplace injury. The benefits are available only if the injury occurred at the workplace or … Read more

Updated: February 20, 2024

Common Electrical Burn Injuries of St. Louis Construction Workers

Common Electrical Burn Injuries of St. Louis Construction Workers

St. Louis Construction workers are faced with a high risk of suffering electrical burn injuries. Construction workers face many risks of serious injury and fatality every time they are at work. There are various factors in a construction site that increase the risk of accidents and potential injuries. Construction industries report more injuries and fatalities each year than … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

4 Most Common Construction Accident Fatalities – St. Louis Work Comp

4 Most Common Construction Accident Fatalities

St. Louis Construction workers are at high risk of injury and fatality due to construction site work conditions. There are various types of accidents that can cause fatalities during construction work, but there are four most commonly associated with fatalities in the construction industry. St. Louis work comp lawyers urge workers to be extra careful … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Risks Utility Workers Face Each Day – St. Louis Work Injury Attorney

Utility workers are exposed to a wide variety of dangerous workplace conditions everyday. Utility workers provide us with a continuous source of electricity and gas, and in the process they face several dangers on their jobs each day. These workers have to work in dangerous situations when people lose electrical services or there is a … Read more

Updated: September 26, 2022

Preventing Crane Accidents

From huge mobile equipment such as cranes to objects falling from heights, construction workers face on-the-job hazards every day. Construction sites are often fraught with dangers of various kinds. From huge mobile equipment such as cranes to objects falling from heights, construction workers face on-the-job hazards every day. A serious risk that construction workers face is … Read more

Updated: March 27, 2024