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Work Comp Injury – Fall Accidents – Jumping to Lower Level Accident


A Missouri workers’ compensation attorney can help you if your work comp injury claim has been denied.

fall accidents workers compensation

In the construction industry, falls are the number one cause of injuries. However, the insurance company may try to deny your claim. Give the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann a call 24/7 to learn more about your legal options.

Jump to Lower Level Accidents

  • jump to lower level, unspecified
  • jump from non-moving vehicle
  • jump from scaffold, platform, loading dock
  • jump from structure or structural element
  • jump to lower level, n.e.c. (This type of injury occurs when a worker jumps to a lower level in an attempt to avoid a fall or any other impending danger).

Workers Exposed to Risk of Jump to Lower Level Accidents

Some jobs are more prone to this type of injury than others. The following workers are more likely to suffer a jump to lower level injury.

  • construction workers
  • roofers
  • painters
  • bricklayers
  • steel workers
  • carpenters

Occupational Injuries from Jump to Lower Level Accidents

When a worker jumps to a lower level in an attempt to avoid a more serious accident, he or she may suffer a number of injuries.

Claiming Compensation for Jump to Lower Level Injuries

If you suffer a work-related injury, you are entitled to workers’ compensation for your medical expenses and lost earnings. However, the insurance company may try to deny your claim. Discuss your case with a Missouri workers’ compensation lawyer to make sure you get a fair compensation for your injuries. Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300.

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Workplace Injury and Accident Causes

Updated: June 20, 2024
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